Please, in the age of social media and everyone having a voice, just STFU!

Please just STFU with your unhelpful comments. I don’t care that this is the age of social media and that everyone has a voice. Did it ever cross your mind that having tact and keeping your thoughts to yourself might be the better option?

I was at the library when I received a call from my doctor’s office letting me know that there was an opening that afternoon for a phone appointment. My appointment was for a suspicious mole on my body, so yeah, I was going to take the earlier appointment. I didn’t want to be rude to other patrons and also wanted some privacy so I found a deserted hallway in the lobby of the library building to take my phone call. It was 102 degrees outside so taking the call in my car or outside wouldn’t be safe.

I found a hallway that was just off the lobby so I decided to go in there and talk to my doctor. When my phone call was done, I walked out of the hallway and a woman who was sitting near the hallway entrance looks up from her book and says “I could hear everything you said, that hallway was like a sound tunnel.”

Oh my.

Oh, this bitch was rude AF. I looked at her and asked her to repeat back to me what I had said during my phone call; she just looked down at the book she was reading and ignored me. What a bitch.

If she were sitting in the library, I could see her point, but no, she was in the lobby of the library building and expected silence. FUCK OFF YOU UGLY ASS BITCH AND MIND YOUR BUSINESS!

Just wait until the toddlers from daycare come rolling into the library lobby, your panties will be in a twist.

Your mind games

It must give you some sort of ego trip to pretend that you want to stay with me, but then you don’t contact me for ages. Yet again. You can’t be all that serious about wanting to be mine. If you were, then you would make sure to stay in contact, but you just keep on tripping yourself up, again and again. You’re not very good at proving your “love” or your “respect” for me. So why don’t you just leave me alone then? You can’t have it both ways. Or why don’t you just go back to being single? Instead of fooling me into thinking you can be someone you’re not? What do you want from me? You’re too confusing. It’s getting stupid now. On your bike and leave me alone. Plus, you say a lot of things, but where is the action? I don’t believe you anymore. You think I’m naive and dumb. We’ll see who ends up marrying me.

Yearn for love

A warm hug I would love
A loving kiss I yearn for
A hand I would love to hold
Side by side I would love to walk
With the man who only can walk with me
Unafraid and unperturbed by who I am
Side by side to walk
Side by side to grow
Side by side to live
Side by side to love
Side by side to face this world
Side by side by side by side



Neil, it has been 12 years. I was scrolling your pictures with her just a moment ago, you seemed happy, you looked happy, you are happy and I am glad that you are indeed, happy.

Time isn’t really on our side since the very 1st day that we met. I just hope that I had the courage to tell you back then that I love you but I was a mess and selfish and broken. You’re too good for me and I don’t want to ruin you and drag you to my messed up life.

I wish I can tell you that nothing really changed in 12 years, but I can’t do that, because you’re getting married and again, I don’t want to ruin what seems to be the best days of your life. It’s cliche but, if there is a parallel universe, I hope I didn’t push you away.

I’ll keep on loving you, just like what I always have, from a far.

I have your back!!

Hey girl. Yes I DID accidentally over-hear how he was planning to take me off my fiance. He’s a pretty loud whisperer. But why even say it within earshot in the same room as me? As if it isn’t uncomfortable and awkward enough anyway, without having to live in the same apartment building as J. I think J thinks that he’s irresistible to every woman on this planet, but wake up dude, you’re actually quite RESISTABLE. I don’t want some little boy who is only 20 years old. I’m not being rude. I just need J to see past his naive teenager-like thinking. A lot of men go to the gym. A lot of men wear football tops. A lot of men drink beer, well, about half of them. So how can J be thinking that he’s more unique than most other men? Well he isn’t. It gives me something to look forward to, to watch him squirm when women’s husband’s or boyfriends start telling Jordan how it really is and how he needs to get a life and stop flirting with their women. I do not feel sorry for Jordan. He knows what he’s doing, and he’s going to get himself beat up pretty badly one day. He knows what he’s doing. He isn’t just some young naive innocent harmless lad. He’s not a nice person. And I need to stay out of his way. And I have that choice in whether I want to exit the room whenever he walks in. Yes, girl. I did pick up on it. And when I was sat with you yesterday, I could tell that he was only coming over to me to try and convince me yet again about how my fiance is “Not being genuine with me”. I can decide that for myself I don’t need Jordan telling me who to be with. If I really wasn’t sure about being with P, then I wouldn’t be, but I am, so I must be quite okay with P then. Especially when I consider the lies that the care home manager used to tell me about P. I should know. I’ve spent one-to-one time with P, so don’t ever tell me that I don’t know P. Also, why would I bother throwing away a four-year relationship for some naive 20 year old? No way. I know what true love is.