1. I gave u nothing? $140 for ur habit + $50 in drawers, in a month. pay for ur own shit
2. U have no job live with a woman who tolerates u 4 some reason & U talk shit about her
3. U want to dictate to me how I spend MY paycheck and bitch about how I expect u to throw the trash, wash the dishes, cook? hmm when u dont pay any bills & the only reason I have dirty dishes is because Im NOT buying take out for 2 when Im the only paying for anything, lights, internet, rent, TP, paper towels, soaps, etc.. literally EVERYTHING i pay for, then yes, pull ur weight. WTF is wrong with u? you think a woman is going to gladly pay everything bc she works 8 hrs a day while u play video games ALL DAY and then she’s supposed to cook ur ass dinner too, and wash the dishes?? omg youre insane.
4. You are an overgrown child, not a man. I will NEVER take orders from the likes of u. You dont own me, slavery is outlawed u racist asshole! I will never stop being thankful I finally got u out of my house and my life.

Stay the hell away from me. Never come back. Keep looking for someone to mooch off you waste of life, space, oxygen, and time!!!

Just now realized

I just yesterday realized something. You are all in this time. And the reason is because you have nothing else. No friends, no family, nothing. Just him.
And youre not even in the club, just sleeping with someone who is. Youre done. All i get to do now is wait for the mugshot or the obituary.
You have broken my heart a thousand times worse since weve been apart than you ever did while together. You were a superstar. And now you are alone. Totally alone. As i feared you would be.
I pray for you every single day.

Dear Stephen

I still miss you so much. Life isn’t the same without you around. At least you would never dream of running off with another woman, because you actually truly respected me. You had the deepest love for me. I could tell that you weren’t dodgy in any kind of way. I have yet to meet another man who I can trust. I’m not really even sure if it matters that much to me to even find love again after you’ve passed away. It’s never even entered my mind about finding love again. You were the icing on the cake. My family loved you to the moon and back. It’s always hugely important to me that my family get along well with whoever I end up dating. I saw a young lad today with absolutely amazing green emerald eyes. They were truly stunning. They twinkle. I wanted to clone them amazing green eyes. It’s only been two and a half years since you died. How could God be so selfish taking you from me this soon? I will always remember you as changing my life for the better. I love how you always serenaded me every morning at the dining table. It melted my heart. Truly.

Your husband

I am sorry for your loss last friday [two days ago]. I might be way younger than you, but I know what it’s like to be a widow. I lost my fiance to bowel cancer in June 2017. It would be easier to lie to you, and tell you that you recover from your life partner’s death really quickly, but I’d just be leading you on pretending that the sorrow goes away quickly. It doesn’t. Even though your husband isn’t physically there anymore, he’s still with you in many other ways. His spirit. His soul. Just because you can’t physically see him in front of you, it doesn’t mean that he’s completely gone. He now an invisible version of himself. You can take comfort in the fact that you had a very good long-term relationship with him. Who honestly still stays in a relationship that long these days? You and my grandparents are an example of what true love really is. Seventy-three years of being together through thick and thin. That is true dedication. Sometimes you might subconsciously find yourself talking to him, or whispering to him, or singing to him. I often catch myself doing this,but I like to think my dead fiance can hear me and see me. I look up at the ceiling when I secretly talk to him. It’s survival mode. That is fine to do that. It’s not harming anyone. It’s your mind’s way of keeping him around. It’s very sweet. Who cares if it makes you look crazy? They don’t understand.

A Letter To My Wife’s Ex

To my wife’s ex,

Thanks for ghosting her time and time again. Thanks for making her feel like utter shit 9 out of 10 times because now I’m picking up the pieces. I’m the one the gets the bad end to all of the trauma and anxiety when I already had my own to deal with. Thanks a lot. Now I’m the one that doesn’t feel good enough and am still picking up the mess you made. I hope you’re happy now.

Oh and to MY ex’s partner, go screw yourself, will ya?