Semper Fidelis

Dear E,

It’s been a long while since we happened and sometimes, there are moments that still make me think, “why didn’t we work out?”. More than the cheating that you did, I still wonder where we started to go wrong. Was it when we started fighting because of your ex? Was it the time you no longer see it fit to be on time? Was I too much or was I not enough? These are questions I may not have an answer to forever. I provided myself with the closure you could not give me. I’m honestly happy right now and you are too. It’s just sometimes I wonder if you ever really meant what you always said in your letters, “semper fidelis”. I hope one day we could really talk without all the blaming and I hope we get to find out where it really went wrong so that we may never have to be in that position again w our partners.


I’m about halfway through our family trip to Idaho, having already reaquainted myself with Silverwood and Honeysuckle Beach, today my husband’s folks were treating us to a different kind of adventure.

Somewhere in Farragut National Park looms a treetop obstacle course, where you don their very best harness gear and test your mettle on their tightrope, swinging logs, and various other challenges. The adult course was a three tiered setup that gets progressively higher, similarly the kids had a 2 tier course that had less clasps and more balancing.

I’m not particularly keen on heights, but I’ve been ziplining over the rainforest before so I’ll be damned if I chicken out before at least trying the course.

I actually didn’t do as bad as I dreaded I would after getting the hang of the magnetic clasps. I completed the first two tiers of the adult course before I started feeling a little queezy on account of the heights. So I took the exit ladder at the end of course two and went to check out my kids progress on the kids course. My husband and his sister continued on to complete the third course and opted into the black course which was their most challenging course offered. Ending with them repelling 60 ft off a platform.

My kid was a champ, she completed all the kids courses and loved it enough to go another round. It really was a thrilling experience.

Afterwords we had sandwiches by a massive lake that you could see Montana on the far horizon peaks. The lake itself was formed by a torrential flood from glacial ice melt that impacted Idaho, Montana, and Washington. It was a solid little piece of history to experience.

Tomorrow we’re going to Art on the Green. I’m looking forward to price checking what artists here are selling for and at what quality.

Family of Choice

30 more senseless minutes left,

All to voyage home to the empty basin

With a roof and shutters that I turn down everytime

I am there.

I keep searching for home in dark bars,

Cubicles, sunrises, lover’s mouths,

Fruitful landscapes, sensual touches and

Disposable memories.

Home is a state of mind

And I have gone bonkers

Trying to solve the last puzzle piece.


I have learned there comes a point,
When you are too sad to go outside.
The laundry machine’s won’t hum.
You eyes pander to moving vehicles,
your soft edges become thick, hardened shells.
No, it’d be wise to stay in and listen to the drone of the television,
your cats maniacally purring, tender voices wistfully
having conversations in the distance, just outside of arm’s reach
just outside the rim of any of your cares.

I heard others who talk all day long about warm rooms,
kind people who don’t take pity on long-faced, sullen eyes,
and dancing even!
But I have come to learn there is just a point
when everyone who looks at you can tell you
are too sad,
too buried.
And so you take the long walk home,
watch the glistening to christmas lights still hung
on banisters of quiet homes,
in an April, almost summery sky,
and you go to bed
and hope tomorrow’s not the same kind of pointless endeavor.
And you imagine, somewhere someone is thinking a simple comforting
“I wonder what she’s up to tonight.”


No te entiendo, y no es justo y no puedes y no tienes derecho, no despues de lo que hiciste. Aunque no hubieras hecho lo que hiciste, me empujas a hacerte pagar de las peores formas y no aprendes, cinico, perro es como si nada importara, pero aca hay algo que si importa que no vas a estar conmigo en mi cumpleaños, nunca mas.