
I’m sorry this always happens.

As soon as I have alcohol in my system I become unfair. I start believing the truths about myself that I only reveal late at night, when no one is there to look at me with those pitiful eyes and ask are you okay?

I take it out on you because I feel strongly about you. I would say it’s because I’ve never felt this strongly about anyone before, but that’s a lie. I wish I could tell you what’s really going on. I wish I could be vulnerable to you before it destroys us. I wish.

I’m sorry.

Dear my sister, Im sorry for not being a good sister to you and I wish i done better because i just feel like absoloute shit that i was never able to help you even when i wanted to due to my mental health not being okay. I miss being the good sister i was but my depression is quickly getting the best of me and I just want to be the best sister you have since you’re younger than me and I’m so sorry for all the times i’ve gotten mad at you and even though you may not see this I still love you so much Kaykay.

“I’ll find you in the morning sun”

It is sad but my biggest bucket list item with you

Was a slow dance with you

To Billie Holiday’s “I’ll be seeing you,”

In the place I thought we both fell in love,

On a wintry, cold, neon fused, magically, snowfalling

Night around closing time.

It was the first thought when I saw you years ago

When I first listened to her song.

The thought both makes me sad and keeps me in a warm cocoon

Of beautiful thoughts.

I had so much vision for something so irreversibly unreal.

Now my heart hurts knowing I will be dancing to it with someone else.

Dream struck

The richness of the roses in the fields

Keep me awake at night in Dreamland.

The moonlight through the fields and

The crimson fluffy dress

Are a sight for eager eyes.

Weeping willows sob stories.

The tears are fluorescent in the beginning of twilight.

The garden isn’t enclosed anymore.

It stretches for miles and birds sing and vines

Slip through the soil and a heart is

Pulsating for what feels as if the first time.

My how a treasure the landscape blooms love

After salty tears had wiped away the possibility.

Oh how the lake fills the trenches

And I am anxiously swimming to the precipice where the visions meet.

Quietly I am anticipating the slow wakefulness that eventually comes.

Here, the hopes are not impractical.

They are just misplaced.

Oh the richness of the roses in Dreamland!

Every morning 19 dumb daddys get up to make Krystal Scramblers and think of fresh ways to wreck my life

This has got to stop. I can’t take it any more. You might not believe it but it is true. Each and every morning at the crack of dawn, 19 dumb daddys in my city throw back the covers and make Krystal Scramblers and try to think up fresh new ways to wreck my life.

In case you don’t know – and you probably don’t – a Krystal Scrambler is a hearty bowl stacked high with scrambled eggs, homemade grits, melted American cheese and savory sausage or crispy bacon, making this the perfect on-the-go breakfast. And every single morning including weekends and holidays these 19 moron daddys leap out of bed first thing in the morning and go to the kitchen to get started making them, and while they’re making them they come up with all new ways to make sure I’m screwing up.

They never let me eat the Krystal Scramblers they make, those are not for me. But they are the reason why these daddys have to wake up so early and why they have to get together in the first place. After a few weeks of doing this these 19 stupid daddys quickly realized they needed something to help pass the time so they decided to think up plans to drive me bonkers until I’m ready to hit the ceiling.

Katatonia at The Oriental

I had to attend this one alone but it was absolutely worth it to hear my man Jonas voice in person this far away from his hometown in Sweden.
A cute lady who looked like a friend of mine urges me into the front row when a hole opens up at the beginning of the song Teargas.
The openers Cellar Darling and The Ocean Collective did a great job of getting the crowd warmed up, and it was wonderful that they’d been able to sell the majority if not all of the tickets at this venue on a Tuesday.
I made it to and from the venue without incident and even though my girlfriends couldn’t make it out with me, it was still a successful night of enjoyment. Turns out the awkward parent pickups at school have prepared me for awkwardly standing with a bunch of other concert attendees by myself.

The Lurker

Friday I caught a stranger messing about my neighbors garage from the camouflage of my perch. I text her to see if maybe she knows the guy, as he fiddles with the garage door and looks around her car before vanishing off in some other direction. She does not know him and it is suspicious, thankfully she at least got him on her cameras but she’s still unsure what to do about it as he didn’t actually take or harm any of her stuff. I suggest maybe sending her footage to HOA about it but she seems skeptical that would accomplish much.

Now seems like a good time for us to invest in the home security cameras too.


My husband wasn’t as concerned about the Russian Jehovas tracking him down as much as the scratching and banging around at the door after he left for work in the pitch black of the a.m. we resolve to install some cameras around the home soon. The following night while the husband’s at the gym, someone knocks at the door three times, my daughter hears it, I hear it, the cats all gather, but when I answer the door there’s no one present in the vicinity.

The next week is followed by the rush of my kids birthday, her grandparents visiting for a trip to Meow Wolf with her and then a party for her friends to come join us for pizza.
We had a full house of happy kids playing and honestly it went a lot better than expected. Not a tear was shed .
However the next day I get a message from my girlfriend that one of the little boys, our little buddy Arlo who’s five had a seizure at 2 am the night of the party. It’s hard information to take in. I ask his mom to let me know what the doctors find out about the cause. At the party he was running happily and made best friends with out neighbors boy, he’s survived Chuck e cheese without so much as getting sick. We hope whatever it is can be resolved with minimal conflict.

I miss you

I don’t feel wanted. I hear it, all the time, only in reassurance. Now I get it, we live together, but.. Why do I feel like I’m the only one trying for time. The only one starting a conversation, initiating contact. She gets three days with him, and we discuss her driving home during the day in case the roads are bad, and she still doesn’t leave until after dark, getting home around 9. That doesn’t really feel like you were terribly excited to come home. And then when you do, you want ME to be excited your home. After being in parent and work and stress and sad mode for 3 days. Why can’t you walk through the door and pick ME up? I’m to initiate sex, I’m to plan our nights. I have to ask you to cuddle. The next day, He needs help. Dope, I get it, I struggle often too. But I’m told twenty minutes, and it turns into an hour and a half, leaving me with yet again, not getting my wife till 9/930. And then, AGAIN, I have to ask to cuddle, I have to ask to do stuff with you. Why can’t YOU seem excited to see me, to touch me, to be intimate with me? I give you the world, and I’m beginning to wonder what I get back in return. I bring up sex, because we both say we want it every day, and you feel pressured? I’m sorry, but if you wanted it, why would you feel pressured? Why wouldn’t you be able to enjoy talking dirty with me, enjoy the fact that I love and want to ravage your body after 13 years. Instead it becomes a fight, and I feel like an asshole for even expressing the slightest interest in sexual activity. When I bring up my feelings, your first instinct is to get defensive, and then I get left feeling like an asshole for having feelings. That’s why I can’t even bring any of this up to you. I’m tired of being told my feelings are wrong, to appreciate what I have, and being made to feel like the asshole, when I continue to feel unwanted, unappreciated, and like it doesn’t even matter if I’m around. And I get it sometimes. Work gets busy, He gets in his feelings, the kids have a hard day, whatever the case. But it feels like there is no time, or space, or energy to be married to me. It makes me feel like I should start dating again, just to get my cup filled, because I’m not sure you can right now. You’re slipping away, and anything I do isn’t enough. I go to work and help you, I try to initiate conversations, just to get met with one word answers, I give you massages, fill your bowls, buy you anything you ask for, help with the kids to help you stay less stressed. Either I’m blind, or I don’t see what you’re doing to show you care that I’m around. I’ll quit beating the dead horse. I just hope your hear comes back to me soon.
