Junkie Whore

I should’ve known better. Like literally the only advices about women my mother ever gave me: stay away from lesbians, they’re crazy. And you aren’t even gay, at least didn’t seem like that when you slept with me the first night we hung out (should’ve been a sign). But you are 100% batshit crazy. Like I don’t think you understand this consciously, but it’s like every single decision you make in life, your thought process is “what’s the most self destructive thing I can do rn?” And of course, like pretty much every other attractive woman I’ve ever met, you absolutely refuse to accept responsibility for any of your behavior, nothing is ever your fault. It’s just all lies and bullshit.

Am I perfect, certainly not. Could I have found a better way to react when I caught you back with your abusive ex when you were blowing me off for a couple weeks? Sure. Did I deserve for you to find every possible way to show how much you disrespect me because I wouldn’t beat you like you wanted me to? Why not, with your fucked up mentality. You would think some one who goes on and on about their history of being abused and all their trauma might actually have some sensitivity towards hurting others, but no not you. I tell you the things I have problems with, specifically trusting to women to not just use me up and move on like they always do, and you just constantly dismiss me because your pain is so much more special. You couldn’t even wait til you got what you needed from me, just another dumb decision on your part, before you start shacking up again with a guy WHO BROKE ONE OF YOUR BONES. And honestly he’s just so gross and ugly from all the meth anyways. Does numbers for my faltering confidence not that you ever gave a shit about me.

I was kind to you, patient with your immaturity and constant self-inflicted drama. I even practically adopted your dog and treated her better than even you do. I tried so many times to help you with the problems in your life, fixing our license, getting a stable housing situation, going back to school to get a degree. And this is how you repaid me, stabbing me in the back an ripping my heart out just to show what a “bad bitch” you are or whatever nonsense. No you’re just a bitch who’s responsible for all the miserable shit in your life. Why? It’s simple really.

What do you call someone who is constantly high on something and makes terrible decision when they are hi, which again is 24/7? A junkie. What do you call someone who sleeps with every guy (or girl) they get hi with? A whore. I thought you were just my little stoner princess i could save through giving you the kindness you were wrongfully deprived your whole life,

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