Self Reflection

Lyrics…probably the one constant in my life.
I mastered integrating my story into your lyrics.
Time and time again.

I bought your latest album.
You sir are a genius.
And yet somehow I feel you integrated your lyrics into my story.

I don’t really have words for it.
Thank You.
There is some kind of magical balance.
I see that.

So from one very appreciative soul to yours…
I love you.

Sincerely Britney

Confessing to you

Dear Ron… sweet Ron. I blush even saying your name. I don’t want anything. I just want to confess. We have had quite an easy working relationship so far. I do my best, but still, I depend upon your goodwill and I’d never do anything to jeopardize that. And of course, our current (and very separate) family lives. But I couldn’t help it… over time I realized just how wonderful of a person you are. I know, you are not technically handsome, but you’re… not even “cute”, you’re very much an average-looking guy. Sorry. But no worries, I’m no beauty queen myself, mind – just an ordinary girl. I’ve been trying to figure out the reason for those sleepless nights, even after I presented well. And I realized – it was because I was wondering whether I’d finally won your approval. Silly, I know. You did say it was great. What was I looking for then? And with trepidation, I slowly realized – I had developed feelings for you beyond work. Why am I so attracted to you? Why do I imagine talking about various topics with you all day long? Why do I want to know your favourite songs/movies etc.? Actually, it’s possible you’re just being a good leader. But to me you are so much more than that. You are a genuinely kind person. Kind, supportive, and considerate. Am I so broken that simple kindness wins me over? And when you make statements that are completely in agreement with what I myself say/think, I feel that karmic connection. Alas, I don’t know if we will ever even meet in real life. Or will I only have to gaze at you over Zoom? Sorry if that came across as creepy, but I’m just a harmless girl with a crush who doesn’t know what to do. I just want this message to reach you, somehow… through the ether… from mind to mind. Know that I admire you and appreciate you and really, really wanted to be friends. Maybe someday in the future. Maybe in our next life. Always stay this way, always be happy, be successful, be healthy, be at peace. And think of me fondly, whenever you do.

Meet me in the city

Dear one,

I cannot count the times that my social anxiety urged me to run for the familiar hills of solitude which has become my companion before you arrived in my orbit.

I am so unused to being happy that I haven’t really come to terms with what it involves. Your zest for life and new experiences is refreshing so much so that I am reminded of my longing to read more in the book of you.

I do not have any clue why you’re gracing me with your time and kindness. I treasure them dearly and will always be grateful.


My Heart…

My heart is cold, my heart is ice
My heart has played its part in life.
My heart has loved, with no return
My heart was fire, it use to burn…

My heart was oak, freshly varnished
My heart was gold until it tarnished.
My heart was pure but now it’s toxic.
My heart was found until I lost it.

My heart was full but now is void
My heart is null and now destroyed.
My heart is free from joy and pleasure,
Although it’s still a hidden treasure…

– A.K.


Hello! 🙂

First of all, I love you C. And I miss you already, or always. It seems like you already blocked me on that app. I asked you to, anyway. I know you’ve got more things to focus on and important things to do right now and so am I. But I can’t function much now honestly at the moment. I am doing my work, but I still need to go on this site to write this cos it feels too heavy.

I’m currently listening to the songs we love, still thinking of you. I miss you too much. I’m sorry if I acted that way, I was confused. Or well, this last one, I’m always the one who’s saying goodbye. I wanted to stay, also for you to stay. It hurts that you think that way, and I don’t know if I can achieve that expectation. But I love you. I wanna be with you on your happy and even sad moments, I wanted it to be with you. I understand that we had to do this, too. It may be for the better. But I still miss you and will always do. I wish you all the best! <3

Ofc this won’t be the last one. I know I can write lots of letter about you. For now, this will be it. Still hoping we’ll be together. I love you.