Battle Axes

After much discussion with the brides mother about what would make an enjoyable bachelorette party for her, the bride ultimately picked axe throwing for herself. It was a lovely little tie in to her brother who had also has his bachelor party with the axes a few years previously.

The establishment that she initially wanted that was closest to her home in Castle Rock was not quite open yet for the date we needed, so I found the next best thing and reserved our spot a few weeks in advance.

My husband and I show up few minutes earlier than everyone else and are able to get settled inside without much fuss.
I’ve prepared a sweets box for the event, filled with canolli and cream puffs.
I’m a little concerned about a noisy baby pit bull in the quiet studio when we first arrive, but after giving him some love and letting the manager ( who wears a gap toothed grin and a mjolnir around his neck) set up the TV and music, his lady departs with their puppy.
When the bride arrives with the other party members I get hers, her mother’s, and her fiance drink order in before we start throwing axes around.
I land my first axe in the target to get the game going , the brides mother really shows us what’s up absolutely dominating on points most of the match before the brides fiance who’s wearing a Prince shirt sneaks up to her at the end and takes the crown. The bride herself also lands a nice array of bullseye. My husband picks up the tab of 270 something, which is rough but makes us evensies for her contribution to our wedding when her partner at the time paid for half our wedding cake.

Afterwards our group of six migrates next door to Asuka Ramen, which my husband yells me means bitch in Russian . The food is alright . My bride hashes out her game plan for the wedding day, and divulged a few tidbits about the D&d character sheets she’s made for everyone attending the wedding. Her father and his wife are chaotic evil aligned , attributes she projects on them based on their political volatility. Her mother is a centaur based on her deep commitment to the equine arts, her brother and his wife, orcs and half orcs. I told her a therapist would have a field day with this. I vaguely remember her telling me my character name was Kava , that my partner and I were dragonborn and we’d be sitting at the Silver Dragon table ( they painstakingly 3d printed dragons for each table)
I won’t be upset if it’s different than I recall from her earlier planning stages though.
I wanted to keep the night going and migrate once more over to one of our favorite bars down the way Trve Brewery, but my husband who had been working all day crashed hard during the brides conversational tangents into her next cosplay passion project from Warhammer.
One week and counting.

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