Dear Ruth

Dear Ruth,

Oh Ruth you are going through so much right now. You’re dealing with a break up after 5 years, you’re trying to move out of your toxic house and you just damaged your ligament and got the flu. You had a man fall in love with you after a week then fell in love with him then he decided he wasn’t ready for a girlfriend. You jumped straight into that relationship even though everyone warned you. They warned you that you’d get hurt but you’re a bleeding heart and couldn’t resist those eyes. You fell right in.

You’ve been at home in the toxic environment nearly a week and that’s too much time but you can’t go anywhere because you have to rest your leg. You can’t rest here and it’s so frustrating for you. You are in so much pain in your heart and soul and currently in your leg. The nauseas-ness is overwhelming. You feel so sad and so not yourself. Communication is one of your strengths and your second guessing yourself. It feels like your heart is so raw right now, everything hurts. It’s very tiring going around with a big raw heart. You have so much love to give and don’t know how to protect it. You don’t know who to give it to. You don’t know who deserves it. You just don’t know what to do with all this love and feelings.

You tried to help someone and it’s just drained you. He’s not worth it honey. No man is.

You deserve a kind of love that shows up, trusts, is honest, creative, intelligent, funny and loves you with every part of theirs. You shouldn’t settle. You deserve the best. You are an incredible person, you have no idea. You see the potential and beauty in everyone else. You tell them constantly yet you over see you’re own so easily.

You deserve the kind of life you really want. You deserve beauty, adventure and freedom.

You’re potential is endless Ruthie and there’s far more love in your life than you realise. You radiate love and even if people don’t say it, they love you too. You will always, always have people that love you. Forget the people that don’t appreciate you, they don’t deserve you.

Go into that world Ruthie and shine like the beautiful magical person you are!

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