First Friday

A tattoo parlor I enjoy is having an art viewing party downtown and I take the opportunity to take some party favors to my friend.
Initially I was going to bring my kid, I thought she might enjoy dancing to my friends dance mix and seeing the pretty art. I was told ahead of time it was a kid friendly invitation.
However earlier in the day I got an alert on my phone that there was a shooting blocks away from the party location and a suspect still at large, so maybe I nudged her into staying at home with her daddy (to maintain my own anxieties) it turned out for the best though, she was full on coughing,sneezing, cold sick the following day and I’d rather not take that into close space quarters.
I’m dressed for the event in a dress picturing some bright red prehistoric flowers to match my chameleon. As I enter I see the owner lady wearing a very beautiful maxi dress, she’s talking to a small group of people but flashes me a smile on entry, and another couple blocks the stairwell upstairs where my other buddy is so I take the moment to peruse the original art on display for procurement. Prices range from 200 to 800 for variously sized smaller pieces, a note I make to myself and tick away mentally for pricing my own goods. The themes vary from delicate resin depictions of forest spirites, to snakey ensembles, and pretty ladies looking all spiritual.
When the way opens upstairs I make my way but am stuck in the hallway as people shuffle in and out. My friends in his tattoo studio with his dj booth, a few tables of merch goodies and a handful of people. He was involved in conversation, so I meandered to take in the details of the art they kept for their own collections, a beautiful death and the maiden piece takes up a large spot , and I enjoy a few other scenscapes sprinkled about. When he made his way to greet me, the exchange was briefer than I would have liked but duty calls in hospitality.
I came away from the event with a small print but after fumbling with my payment transfer login got the okay the pack up the print anyway and take care of business when I was able , which I did in the morning.
All in all it was a good night, I joked with some strangers, got me some art goodies and saw some faces I’ve missed. Still I am an awkward sort when left to my own devices and I promised my husband I’d be home before 8, so I snuck out before getting a chance to sample the beverages.

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