Gunfire outside?

I’m playing team battle in my game and get shot down by PoPoKnowsBest when I notice the lights outside. My actual streets been blocked off by police cars and it stays that way for a good bit before I see them turn off the lights and officers start combing the area with flashlights. Another fifteen minutes or so pass by and I hear a series of pops nearby that sounds like gunfire and my anxiety skyrockets. I start trying to google any possible hint of what’s happening out there but it’s still too soon. I’m not sure how well I’ll sleep tonight .

Thinking of You…But I found Some Info On You

You have been on my mind a lot lately, and I have wondered how you are holding up despite the circumstances you are in.

It made me think that you may not be the person that I thought you were. What happened to you? What transpired in your life that made you act out the way you? Or did I misread what I found out? Did she have something to do with it?

I wonder if I’ll ever get to talk to you again? If you’ll be honest with me? I often wonder about our future? Will we end up together? Total Endgame. I think so!!

I hope you are well and I miss you………….

Love (Your Baby Always)


I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again:

I’m very grateful to have you right now.

You effortlessly sweep me off my feet everytime, and I find it annoying because I feel like it’s getting harder to win you over.

Shooting Stars

Oh your beautiful soul!

Dropping blessings everywhere

Running amuck and still

Being a splendid masterpiece

And a wonderful work in progress!

Come lay down your bones.

Rest easy.

Knowing in this plethora of light that your

Existence makes

Any dawn brighter!

Any stars shine more!

Oh heavenly world,

Oh captivating and infuriating shooting star.

My thoughts got dizzy, my heart

Full since the minute you came around.

Oh relentless and rambunctious


You rattle my bones.

You pivot my empty to feeling whole.

Let me dance in your majestic kindling!

People Who Expect Nothing In Return

Raw. Vulnerable. Honest.

You remind me to exhale the crumbling pieces.

It doesn’t matter the canyon width of longing

Or the tumultuous curve of bending roads.

No matter for ego or dreams to come to fruition

You are messy art work, the fun, soul ablazing kind.

And I hate how angry you get at times

Or worse, that I actually think your anger is justified.

I want days to soar for you, to have soft, chuckling eyes

To decipher your deep hurts as patches of frost and nothing more.

And I hate how lonely I can feel your bones rustle with some cold truths.

But you could never be

Cold to me.

You help this crazy, babbling soul

Remember what its like to thrive

In a relentlessly, dying


True Hell

I can handle anythingheart break is nothing new. Judgement is water off a duck. Want to or need to stab me in the back? pick a scar to put your knife

Doesn’t affect me doesn’t surprise me any more.

But ask me to stay sober? That for me is the true hell…
I’m an alcoholic, have been for a long time and every reason to stop has proven it’s self to be not worth the effort. If if one did come along the psychological withdrawal is enough


Is watching Requiem for a Dream with roommates who scoff at the downward spiral message and then call your boy from jail to ask him to remove the syringes taped under his dresser so his parents can collect his furniture after he destroyed his parents house while they were out of town in a very out of hand party.

Never have I ever, will I ever, could I ever fathom crossing that threshold of destruction. I guess that’s one of those assessment points where I clearly has to define the space of oh, these aren’t the people I thought they were.

Thinking about

Conversations I’d hear in Wyoming after someone I did not know but was connected to the group I traveled amongst OD’d.

Very quietly they’d ask each other ” do you think he knew? Was it intentional?” As if the threshold for healthy drug consumption was consistent and universally known for all of them and the only way they could have possible let themselves slip away was if it were intentional.

I’m reminded of that Puscifer song Breathe, where the chorus is quite literally a reminder to ‘don’t forget to breathe ‘ and perhaps there where moments in my relaxed state where I had to tell myself to inhale because I was so comfortable that this function that is taken for granted as autonomous eluded me. I was just lucky that my experiments didn’t take me somewhere blacker than the deepest pitch.

I knew guys who would go to people’s houses, pretending their car was broken down so that they could use the restroom and raid the medicine cabinet. I knew guys who would enter into relationships with people who had crippling disabilities.. not to provide comfort for that person but to exploit their monthly prescription for personal use and were abusive in their manipulations and the poor girl was so love hungry and guilt ridden over her own personal history that despite my best efforts I could not help her get into a healthier space. (I’m sorry Christina, when I read about your death I was shook but they frightened me too much to intercede further, especially when you yourself were unwilling)

At one point the son of a local cop, and fellow high school attendee robbed the pharmacy with a friend by climbing through the duct work. The only reason they were caught was because they wouldn’t shut up about it at parties.

I had this naive sense that the big guy I was with could protect me from the other unsavory sorts I had already experienced previously and sure maybe our home for a time was safer than others but ultimately his desire for a particular lifestyle cost us that safety and trust. I don’t blame him as I am also responsible for the peices I participated in and accepted as just natural behaviors of those I was surrounded by, I had just hoped that given his proclaimed history of trauma that we were both of the mindset to craft something better.

To escape I didn’t exactly take the path of complete sobriety but chose the process of elimination to take out those things I found most detrimental to my personal wellness.

Today I am far removed from that which was but my experiences crafted something more fearful in me about the greater state of our social climate and I hear

What went wrong?

Ok I admit telling you I like you was stupid, but let me be honest why I did.
And before that, understand friends but as we were is what I seek.
Sure what I feel means I would love more but that has no impact here because I know without doubt, you either do not, cannot or will not.
But we were not just work colleagues.
If I met someone, asked to see their bikini pics, they would say no.
If I am on the way home, then as they drive past -random colleague- they don’t flash me with their lights.
No work pal, shares sexual fantasies. Some said that I spent too much time around you, maybe true, yet deliberately I tried not to, however a fact is, you would come say you were going home, not me, I never once did.
You as often as I, would come to see if I were taking break.
Not one other co-worker would have let me stroke their hair, play with their ears, etc.
Not many, though a couple would tell me past trauma, or about therapy.
So I admit I was over the top, but things changed long before then.
Around the time when you went off work maybe?
Before then it was 100% perfect. If my keeping in touch was the issue, well I can’t take back what I said then, none was rude, suggestive or requesting “more” than what we were.

So things seemed to be good after the clearing of the air, yet not really.
Now it is like we know each other to say hi to.
I already said, I know how we were, and believed we were closer than everyone else, you said yes to that.
So that camaraderie is what I wanted, but it is clear that has gone.
This is not for you as such, if it were I would talk direct, it is more for me to get my head straight, can I figure it out?
Truth is, no. The way we were, I, indeed anyone would have expected a message once at least between me being ill, and now, how are you, hope things went well. But if I don’t say something first-nothing-and sometimes if I do.
That is what I can’t get my head round.
Are you scared that you do care and don’t want to?
Is it our polarised opinions on the thing that’s most important to you, I am not as far away as you think on that topic, just not yet ready to accept it how you do.
Is it that you feel nothing now and worry any nice gesture will encourage me?
The truth is I thought we had a bond of friendship and to me that mattered, I wanted it back, and as good as it was, yeah in part because I felt I meant more than others did, and I liked that.
But it did not make me think I had a chance. I know why we cannot be.
I said I get it and I do.
But the way it is, is the way it is.
What now then? For me, I like you -that I mean aside from any deeper feeling-as a person, I loved being around