
Hey. I know this email is very unexpected. I mean, we haven’t talked since drill comp and even that was a very brief conversation. To be honest, I really don’t know why I’m even writing you this email. I wasn’t really planning on reaching out to you for a long while if ever, but here I am. I’m going to be honest, I miss you. I miss you a whole lot. I miss our stupid conversations, I miss knowing you were there for me, and I miss us. But I also know that I could never actually deal with having any sort of relationship with you, at least not right now. Because quite honestly, and I don’t mean this personally, our relationship was bad. And it’s not your fault. I don’t blame any of it on you. But I should’ve realized that you needed more time. I mean, you were fresh out of a pretty long term relationship and I knew that so I also should’ve known that you needed time more than you needed another relationship. And I know that you say I wasn’t but if you take a step back and look at it, I really was a rebound. Again, not your fault, I should’ve seen it a lot earlier than I did. I unfollowed you on everything today. Not because of you, but because of me. I need to heal. I need to stop obsessing over your location on snap maps or your story updates and the only way to do that is to unfollow you. I’m sorry. Maybe one day we can be friends again.

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